

Astro-Clearing Circles
Insights & energy clearing supporting you on your soul journey

w/ Sasha & Astrologer Val

WED • 5:30PM EDT

Our free monthly Astro-Clearing Circles capture a key energetic theme each month and support you to dance through it with grace & ease.

Certified Astrologer Valanne Ridgeway offers Astrological guidance, together with potent intention statements support your attunement with those energies, so you can pactice speaking your future into being.

Certified Mayson Method Energy Practitioner Sasha Korper works her magic by rebalancing you to hold strong for your most powerful intentions, clears the trapped emotions causing distortions in the quantum field of energy we’re in, and reconnecting you to your higher, more supportive frequencies.

Join-in with or without video or enjoy the recording at your own pace of grace.
Free Circles are the first Wednesday of every month.

INNERWISDOM Circle Membership

Our monthly Teaching Circles provide easy-to-implement, practical tools alongside skillful instruction within a thoughtful, safe and soul-centred container. The Reflection Circles offer further opportunities for guidance, practice and integration within our supportive community. Embrace the gentle evolution, personal growth and rich reconnection InnerWisdom offers. Step into Circle and stand fully in your own inner wisdom.

Explore INNERWISDOM here.


A beautiful collection of simple yet powerful ways to regain your inner equilibrium and reconnect to the innate wisdom within. Includes a Connection Type Quiz, Release Ritual, audio guides & Inner Knowing e-book.

Preview and access your free kit here.